Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Addiction

Well, I think the logo makes it pretty clear that Facebook is, indeed, my addiction. I just deactivated my account, like, 30 minutes ago and I'm already having that anxious feeling in my stomach. It's so ridiculous too - I mean, it's just a website! How big of a deal can it be? Well, try deactivating your account and sticking with it for at least 5 days. It's not that simple.

Trying to envision what internet life was like before Facebook existed is hard for me. I can't remember what I used to do online - did I go on chat rooms? Did I blog? I know that I used to email my friends a lot, but who emails now when you have Facebook? Friends don't even call you anymore because they can just leave a simple message on your wall saying "I'll meet you at 5pm" and then you receive that notification via your phone. Like, holy wow - this is what our lives has been accustomed to now.

For the next week, I will be on a hiatus from Facebook. If I can resist activating my account again, then it will be another thing that I can cross off my list. I'm not doing this, though, just to have another 101 things accomplished; I'm doing this because it's interfering with my school work. My priority is school and Facebook is just a distraction.

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