Friday, June 5, 2009

Hello Happiness - it's time we got reacquainted!

Have you ever felt like you consume so much of your time worrying over the most insignificant things in your life that you have forgotten about the wonders that life has to offer you and the great things that already exist in your life? Or maybe you just have people that drag you down along with them to the point that you yourself can't be happy anymore?

I'm so tired of living my life that way. I used to be a really happy, outgoing person. Granted, I'm still outgoing, but I don't feel as happy anymore, and I know exactly why I'm not. I'm not posting specifically why I'm not as happy as before, but I finally realized it. And now, all I need to do is:

A) not let those emo people drag me down as well. I'm sorry, I get that people have bad days and I understand that people need to vent, whether it be over the phone, on msn, in person, etc. But when you're constantly sad over who knows what, to the point that *you* don't even know why you're sad, it brings everybody else down. Quite frankly, I'm tired of it. And I'm not going to tolerate it anymore because, well... I don't have to and the people who know me really well understand that I don't tolerate annoying things very well.

B) be happy about the great, little things that happen all the time. For example, today I met up with people that I don't know very well, but we had an amazing conversation about everything! It's little things like that that remind me how easily happy I can be over small things, but small things that matter.

C) not worry so much about what other people have to say or what they feel, etc. I know that sounds harsh, but having to worry 24/7 about others and how I make them feel is a tiring job. What happened to making yourself happy? Well, I let that go because I was worried about other people. Sorry, you may not like it anymore, but I'm not here to please every single person. I'm here to make myself happy, and if I'm happy, the happiness will pass over to you.

And there - there is my new mission for the summer. I'm not sure who is going to read this and maybe some that do will take this personally or find it offensive. However, I'm not directing this to one general person; I'm directing it to everyone in general. Those who have been my friends for a really long time (4 years plus) will most likely stick around because they miss the old me. To those that I met recently or not too long ago, well.... you may be in for a shock.

Love always,
Lady S.

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