Sunday, June 14, 2009

#91 - Week-long hiatus from Facebook

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...[Image via CrunchBase]

I did it - a week without facebook and its horrible distraction! I actually thought that I was going to cave in and activate my account at some point, but surprisingly, I didn't miss it at all. You know how some people have withdrawal systems and they have to keep reminding themselves that whatever it is they're doing, it's good for them? Well, thankfully, that did not occur at all.

Being away from facebook, actually, gave me so much more time to concentrate on important things, such as getting my essay done on time (finished it today and it is due on Tuesday), sleeping earlier, reading more, and so on. I have not activated my account yet, and the chances of me doing it are slim. I'm holding out until the 26th when I'm done school and I have all the free time in the world. However, I'm pretty sure that come September, I'll be disactivating it again.

Seriously, you should try it!
Lady S.

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