Saturday, March 27, 2010

#80 - Help a homeless person at least once

I think this is something that everybody should do in their lifetime, not as a project or out of random sympathy, but because as human beings, we always need help. I'm sure there are those that will disagree with me, and you're entitled to your opinion. But I would like to believe that humanity is more compassionate and more caring than that.

This took place a few weeks ago (actually, many weeks ago) and it isn't until now that I write about it.

I was driving to pick up roommate after my violin lesson. It was a perfect lesson - everything had gone well and I was in such an incredible mood. At the lights on Blanshard by the mall, there was a girl, around my age, asking for anything - money, food, etc. She was right beside me, and while I couldn't stop smiling because of my lesson, she didn't smile at all. And between the moment that I saw her and the moment that I helped her, I couldn't stop thinking about how fortunate I am.

Everyday I realize how lucky I am to have the parents that I have, to have the life circumstance that I have, the support, the encouragement, etc. And while I always realize that I'm lucky, I don't think I ever fully understand *how* lucky I am until I see girls my age asking for help. To me, that's so unfair. What did I ever do in life to deserve this middle class status? To have my entire education paid for? To wake up in my *own* condo? To walk out to my own car? To never have to worry fully about money problems? I didn't work for it! But how did I get that circumstance and she didn't?

That question will never be answered. I can only hope that she'll get on her feet and find hope in something or somebody.

That day I gave her what I had - my $5 bill that was going to by my Starbucks drink and the change in my change purse. Starbucks, I thought, can wait for its profit.

Lady S.

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